How do you test a clutch type fan? Can you heat it with a hair blowdryer
and see if it locks up? The way they operate sounds like thermostats.
They can quit working at any time and usually in the worst way, closed!
I'm trying to fit a 10" fan between the alternator and the radiator.
Pretty tight.
I have a 1980 radiator, with fan and shroud. I even bought the 1980 type
air dam. The fan is noisy, not so good, and I would have to weld some
additional crap to my very nicely painted frame. I'm not very enthused
about that.
I don't want the 10" fan in pusher mode. Dammit, I'll never finish the
damn Spitfire. However, I think I will have my own 30 X 40 shed next
month. Less than $15,000 and I was told earlier I couldn't build one for
less than $25,000. We will see. I might stretch this rebuild out several
more years.