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Re: Carpet Installation

To: rst-john@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Carpet Installation
From: doug@dougbraun.com
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 09:14:58 -0400
For the large main piece, the tranny cover piece, and the pieces in the
front footwells, you naturally need no glue at all.

For the other pieces,  I used ordinary 3M auto-grade spray adhesive.  I found
that the molded carpet material was quite non-porous on the back,
and it took a couple of extra coats of glue to get good adhesion.

Once when I had to peel off a piece, it came off easily.

Before installing the carpet, think about adding underfelt.
I used the "hi-temp stapce-age insulation mat" that Pep Boys
and lots of mail order places sell.  This is a felt-like material
(made from recycled fabric bits) with an aluminum coating on
one side.

The downside of the underfelt is that if gets wet, it will stay wet
pretty much forever.  If your car spends a lot of time in the rain,
you might be better off leaving the underfelt out.  Another possibility
is installing pieces of dynamat (that tar-like self-adhesive sheet material)
on the floorpans, taking care not to block the drainage channels.
I did this to my firewall on both sides, and it helped reduce the engine
heat and noise.  Installing it was a bit tedious, since I had to cut a
lot of small funny-shaped pieces to fit on the flat sections of the firewall
and avoid all the seams, bolts, holes, etc.

Doug Braun
'72 Spit

At 12:32 PM 4/19/2005 +0000, you wrote:
>I just received my new molded carpet set.  As I anticipate installation, I was 
>wondering if the experience of the group can recommend an adhesive for the new 
>installation.  The last time I installed a new carpet set in the car (about 23 
>years ago) I used a carpet glue.  I was testing it last night, and it does not 
>appear very willing to let go of the old carpet for removal.  Any advice?
>Ron St. John

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