I'm sorry folks.... but those of you out there that tout the
roto-flex setup are simply masochists. :-)
I just finished the first of two axle assemblies. A complete
teardown, cleanup, donuts, seals, bushes, brakes, all re-done.
Re-assembly of the donut was rather easy with the use of
a bench vise to squeeze it as needed..THEN the axle was
installed in the trunnion and flange (with a new stud already
pressed in) and the nut axle torqued.
Compared to the swing spring simplicity..... I'll keep my
swing axle setup any day! If this design was 'so good'....
why wasn't it ever used on the later Spitfires? ... or the idea
that the GT6 itself went back to the swing axle in '73.?
ha ha. The Beasty here is going to be a blast to test drive
the first time though.
Paul Tegler