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A new toy, and then a question

To: spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: A new toy, and then a question
From: "WILLIAM R GINGERICH" <wrgingerich@msn.com>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 16:25:30 -0500
Greetings, Fellow Listers,

My 20 year old son Mike has been talking about finding a GT6 for about 3
years.  A couple of weeks ago I got wind of a '72 for sale in the area.  We
went to look, and decided to bring it home.  My local club, Minnesota
Triumphs, held a tech session at our house to help him get the car running -
it sat for 8 years prior to his purchase.  Mike has spent almost every night
since then doing various things to the car.  With a little assistance from
me and 2 of his friends we got the car running, but something was not right.
   It was a real dog.  Everything pointed to the carbs.  He and a friend had
rebuilt them one night about 4 AM.  Mike thought he'd done it right, but
also freely admited he knows very little about carbs.  I suggested he
recheck everything just to be sure.  He did find a couple of problems, like
an upside down float, and slides were in backwards.  After getting those
taken care of, the car sounded a lot better (Ya think?) He took it for a
quick spin, and came back with "the look" on his face.  You see, Mike is
usually smiling, it's just the way he is.  But when he locks into something
good, he gets a really silly grin and look on his face.  He told me that
he'd been laughing for his entire drive.  Sounds like he's hooked!  I got my
first drive in a GT6 over the weekend.  What a gas!  I think finishing one
of my Spit6/GT6 Convertible projects just moved significantly higher on the

So, now the question: Does greasing the rear wheel bearings on a Rotoflex
car require dismantling the hubs?  I can't seem to find an answer in the
manuals.  If there are grease fittings there somewhere, we haven't found
them - or any plugs either.  TIA, as always.


'74 Spitfire
'71 GT6 project
'71/76 Spit6 project
'72/'74 GT6 Convert project
'73 Spitfire languishing

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