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Re: Quaife rear

To: doug@dougbraun.com
Subject: Re: Quaife rear
From: Barry Schwartz <bschwart@pacbell.net>
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2004 04:10:52 -0700
Well that's not *entirely* true :-)  it has great advantages in wet weather
or on any poor condition road when more traction is needed, ESPECIALLY when
cornering (I can attest to that).  If you really want to *spin* the tire(s)
then your better off without a Quaife since it takes more torque to break
both tires free - 
>If you're not in the habit of burning rubber or otherwise spinning the
rear wheels
>(driving in snow?), the limited-slip differential has no advantage

Barry Schwartz (San Diego)
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