When the car has the high idle problem, try pushing the throttle butterflies
closed right at the throttle itself. If than cannot make the idle go down,
the problem is almost certainly in the carbs themselves, not further upstream in
the linkages.
You should work on the throttle mechanisms starting at the carbs and working
making sure everything works smoothly and is properly adjusted. For example,
there is supposed to be clearance in the linkages where the throttle shafts are
actually driven, to ensure that the idle speed does not get affected by small
changes in the
rest of the linkages.
Doug Braun
'72 Spit
At 11:06 PM 8/29/2004 -0400, ZoboHerald@aol.com wrote:
>But I do have one (maybe two) lingering problems. No matter what I do, I
>can't get the idle down to roughly where it should be. It currently idles at
>indicated (original tach) 1500 or so. The accelerator pedal action is heavy
>(as I remember) but also somewhat "notchy." It finally dawned on me that
>are no bushings in the scuttle where the pedal rod goes through, and I'm
>thinking that this might be at least partially related to both of the above