I've scraped and sandblasted several days and used up the five stripper discs
I had. The law of diminishing returns has entered the last stages. Some of the
nooks and crannies retain asphalt type undercoating. The paint under the
yellow topcoat is real thick black paint and a lot of it remains in the hard
to reach spots.
I have a gallon of oxisolv, supposed to remove rust and leave a zinc phosphate
coat, and a quart of Corroless. I don't know how compatable the two products
are or how well they will work on the 95% of bare metal.
Any suggestions appreciated. I thought I might spray the oxisolv inside the
frame and the Corroless on the outside. I just don't know how well the
Corroless sticks to clean, no rust, bare metal.
A company 90 miles from me, will powdercoat for $250.00.