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Re: spitfire twins

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: spitfire twins
From: Alan Lemen <ralemen@cableone.net>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 09:50:42 -0700
Does happen here. When I moved one guy was in the middle of restoring his to the
same color. When I was at his house all his neighours thought his car was
finished and kept giving thumbs up......

Easy to spot the differences when you know, as mine has the '76 wheels and
luggage rack plus minor differences as his is a 78 body . But it's cool when 
are together.

'76 Spitfire
'98 XK8 (new daily driver/toy)

>From: "Gosling, Richard B" Richard.Gosling@atkinsglobal.com>
>To: s1500@comcast.net>; spitfires@autox.team.net>
>Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 5:42 AM
>Subject: RE: spitfire twins
>> I knew Daffy's twin well - her name is Carly.  Both Inca Yellow 1500s,
>> a '78, Carly (I think) a '79 - although Daffy had O/D and Carly does not,
>> and Carly was improved to a much tidier standard than Daffy ever was!  I
>> her owner via this list, they live in Bedford which is around 15 minutes
>> from where I used to live near Cambridge.  Mike would bring Carly over to
>> house, and we'd drive on together to TRGB in convoy - we probably got a
>> funny looks as two identical Spits driving along together, but I was
>> enjoying myself too much to notice what other people were looking at!
>> Then I moved North to Aberdeen, and Carly and Daffy never got to go out
>> again any more...
>> Richard Gosling
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