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Re: frame

To: "Larry Vaughan" <lvaughan@pldi.net>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: frame
From: "Livia Haasper" <wilivhaasper@sympatico.ca>
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 09:19:19 -0400
Hi Larry,
if you want to do the job yourself, there's an aviation sloshing paint
available, which is great for the inside of the gas tank. Kevin Dalton may
know of a supplier??? Kev??

Regarding the frame. I would strip and/or sandblast the frame clean, then
paint with POR 15 or any automotive paint. When driving, the frame gets wet
inside anyhow. There should be drainage holes in the frame, allowing the
access water to drain off. So, washing it like you described, should not make
a difference. Clean the inside of the frame as best as you can, then spray wax
proofing [wax oil] into it. The above mentioned aviation sloshing paint is
also useful for the inside of the frame. When all of this is done, generously
rust proof the entire frame.

Liv, rust buster.....Haasper...:-)

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Larry Vaughan
  To: spitfires@autox.team.net
  Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 9:35 AM
  Subject: frame

  I got the tub off my '73 frame. The motor, trans and drive shaft are out. I
  want to clean this one up, before I dismantle it. I could pull it to good
  wash, with a tow bar.

  I took the '77 frame apart and cleaned up the pieces. Unfortunately, the
  was rusted through along the axle area, where the rear extentions were
  on. Safety bumper you know.

  My worry is that I will fill the frame up with water that I will never get
  and the rust will start it's build up with gusto!

  I suppose I could fill it up with vinegar. I cleaned up my gas tank with
  vinegar. When I drained it and dried it, surface rust started immediately.

  What is the next step, after the vinegar eats up the bad stuff? Shoot
  anti-rust stuff in the frame and fill the gas tank with gas and never let
  get below full, for any length of time?


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