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Re: clever battery cut-off position

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: clever battery cut-off position
From: Dan Canaan <flinters@roomies.furry.com>
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 20:16:15 -0700
I like to kill power to the ignition circuit instead of a battery kill 
switch.  Give the thief some glimmer of hope when the car kicks over but 
won't start.

One clever person put in a relay for the ignition switch.  It would be 
activated by a toggle hidden away under the passenger seat out of the way 
in the rear.  Easy to reach if you just reach around behind it when you're 
sitting in the driver seat, but completely illogical for placement 
otherwise- which is what you want.

Anyways, this interupted power to the coil only in the run position.  If 
the switch wasn't on, then you could crank the ignition and the car woud 
start- let go of the key and it'd die immediately.  Gives hope to the 
thief, but makes lots of sound while the engine is cranking and attracts 
attention from others.  How long does a thief have to troubleshoot your 
ignition woes in a public place? Sure, you could wire it directly from the 
battery, but that also means opening the bonnet, attracting more attention, 

Another quick and dirty method for safeguarding if you don't want to do the 
ignition trick, say for parking for a more extended period, is to simply 
pull the rotor from the distributor.  It's small, easy to overlook, and the 
car simply will not run without it no matter how much hot wiring you 
do.  It's highly unlikely that a thief will be carrying one with them for 

-Vegaman Dan
This message has been sent by Dan Canaan, aka Flinthoof.  All content is 
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