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Re: Vertical Link (and a story)

To: "David Brock" <dmbrock@nm.cbc.ca>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Vertical Link (and a story)
From: "Larry Vaughan" <lvaughan@pldi.net>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 07:24:18 -0500
I had the same problem with rear vertical links. I bought  left and right
rear axle assemblies on ebay. I was lucky and ended up with one good set and
one stripped set.

The threaded post, for the shock, is welded into the link.

I wanted two good ones lately, to drill spring holes one inch lower than
original and got some from a lister.

Watch ebay for rear axle assemblies. They sell for $20.00 to $40.00 usually
and you get extra axles hubs and brakes. The rear vertical links are a toss
up as far as the threads go.


>The other problem, which actually has more of a question than that one,
is that I discovered a problem with the threads on the bolt/spar at the
bottom of the vertical link- this is where the lower end of the shock
absorber (rear) attaches.  The threads are completely stripped- the nut
goes on, but with nothing to old it there.<

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