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RE: Voltage Regulator

To: "'public@sweavo.34sp.com'" <public@sweavo.34sp.com>,
Subject: RE: Voltage Regulator
From: "Gosling, Richard B" <Richard.Gosling@atkinsglobal.com>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 10:33:49 -0000
Quote... "The only other avenue of investigation that comes to mind is that
the car may 
have been (still be?) positive earth.  This essentially means the
goes the other way round the wires.  It may be possible that one of the
expects a positive earth and the other a negative.  To find out which way 
round the car is, check that the battery "-" terminal is connected to the
or chassis.  If so, it's negative earth.  If the +ve terminal is connected, 
you need to read up about converting! +ve earth is rare enough to be a 
complete hassle if you've got it."

VERY GOOD POINT!!  Since it's a MkI, it will be +ve earth unless a PO has
converted it.  In which case, if the stabiliser is designed for a -ve earth
car it may well not work at all, or at least not like you'd want it to.
Rimmers sell a voltage stabiliser for MkI-III, which is presumably therefore
for +ve earth, so they must still be available.

Sorry, should have spotted that very important issue!


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