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Re: 3 piece clutch kit

To: "David Mayer" <celiracer81@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: 3 piece clutch kit
From: Dave Chu <dave@ece.concordia.ca>
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 13:50:48 -0500
In message <BAY8-DAV60T4T8DDxVi00039107@hotmail.com>you write:
>One more question, in everyones experience, what is the easiest way to swap
>out a clutch?

  I found it much easier to get the gearbox back into place working
  from under the car than try to man handle it in the confined space 
  from inside the car.   Also, get someone to help you, it will be much 
  faster with 2 people than one.  It can be done with one person  but 
  is nice to have an extra pair hands.

Dave                                                  |\ |     | |      
_______________________________________/\  /\  /\_____| \|_____| |____________
Dave Chu                                 \/  \/       | /|     | |  
Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Eng.                           |/ |     | |      
Concordia University              (514)848-2424 Ext.3115    Fax:(514)848-2802 
1455 de Maisonneuve W. H961       Email:dave@ece.concordia.ca
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8  http://www.ece.concordia.ca/~dave/addr.html

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