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STAG ALERT!!!!!!!!!

To: triumphs@autox.team.net, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: STAG ALERT!!!!!!!!!
From: rfeibusch1@earthlink.net (Richard Feibusch)
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 09:44:53 -0700
Hey Gang,

One of my neighbors has a clean original Stag that he wants to keep that
way - he is looking to connect with all of the Stag owners and experts out
there in Truimphland. Please give him some help, consolation and a glimmer
of hope that there are others who refuse to bastardize their fine British
autos and know how to keep them running well.

Please contact him directly as my solution to the whole thing would be to
put a Mazda rotary in the damn thing - he could join the local Rotary Club
(I went to a meeting and they don't know a damn thing about cars!).  At
best he could sit on it and twirl.

Anyhow Stag fans, please drop this fellow a line:

"Ed Tretter" <edwardtretter@aol.com>,

Rick Feibusch
Venice, CA

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