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Wiring Harness

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Wiring Harness
From: "David Mayer" <celiracer81@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 21:30:08 +0000
Well,  Considering ALL of the wire that goes to the back end of my car is 
completely destroyed, I have decided that i am going to run new wire 
throughout the whole car.  A big job i know, but i think it will pay off in 
the end.  That way i can make sure everything is connected where it needs to 
be connected, good connectors, make my own color designations, etc.

What gauge wire should i use?  What is stock for these cars?  I am guessing 
around 14 or 12?  I can't imagine that it is too big.

Any advice or tips on this job would also be greatly appreciated.

  '68 Spit Mk3

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