Got a challenge for the knowledgeable Triumphanatics out there. Just had
this query in from a garage (not a Triumph specialist) and I'd love to be
able to point them in the right direction.
Guy can't think of anything specific to suggest but I'd like to be able to
help them - and a fellow Spitfire owner - out. At least they're trying to
sort the problem out properly instead of just bodging the job and sending
the car back to its owner so I thought it only right to try to get an answer
for them.
Any suggestions I can pass on?
Suzie Singleton
Early Spitfire Register Secretary for the TSSC
----- Original Message -----
> Hope you don't mind us asking, but we have a customers triumph spitfire in
> with us for repair, the details are:-
> spitfire 1500 on a wreg 80/81
> the vehicle came in for a clutsh slip fault.
> we have replaced the clutch centre plate, pressure plate and the release
> bearing also the small tube from the bell housing were the clutch release
> arm slides on had broken which we have replaced.
> The clutch we had removed wasn't that badley worn, but we thought the
> was weak springs in centre plate. However we refitted the engine and
> but the clutch still slips! we have now fitted a clutch slave cylinder and
> master cylinder but it still slips. If when driving the clutch starts to
> slip you push the car a little harder the clutch seems to bite then slips
> again.
> With the engine back in and everything connected i.e starter, gearbox etc
> cannot feel any end float on the crankshaft. have tou come across this
> problem before and can you suggest what might be the cure! we would love
> be able to rectify the fault and look after this customer as we have
> after this families cars for years and have not let them down yet so far.
> Any help would be gratefully apreciated.
> yours sincerely
> Wesley Nichols
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