At 09:48 PM 7/1/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>Drove the Spit again tonight - longer drive, probably 20-25 miles. Here's
>what I noted:
>1. At idle (about 1500 rpm), oil pressure was around 45psi. Again started
>high, then dropped when fully hot. I don't think this is a concern.
Your descriptions of the oil pressure (here and in your previous message) sound
entirely normal.
>3. Near the end of the drive, in traffic, it was getting hot - 3/4 mark and
>above. At this temp, it seems like it would idle at 1500 rpm all day long.
>But it cooled once I got out of traffic. Could I have a coolant circulation
Could be a partly blocked radiator... You might try one of those super flush
kits, the kind
that comes with two chemicals: a cleaner and a neutralizer. I think these have
an acid
that actually dissolves scale, instead of just detergent like the one-part
And if you use a 50-50 mix of distilled water and antifreeze, you will never
get scale again...
>Other than those things, it ran pretty well. Still a bit weak in power in the
>lower revs.
I think the "power band" of most aftermarket cams is exaggerated. The Spit
will always be a bit weak in the lower revs. If you somehow got it to have a
lot of low-end
torque, it would have no high end at all.
> Oh, and back to the "dieseling/run-on" problem - my Dad suggested colder
>plugs. Would that help cure that problem??
After some normal driving (as opposed to idling in traffic, etc.), remove a
coupl eof
plugs and check their color. Refer to the handy color picture chart in your
Haynes book.
Doug Braun
'72 Spit
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