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RE: Exhaust manifold - welds vs epoxy? and headers???

To: "Marv Coulthard" <coulthard@saltspring.com>, <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Exhaust manifold - welds vs epoxy? and headers???
From: "Rob T. Getzinger" <RTGetzinger@scif.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 10:09:15 -0700
Welding the headers, if the spot is accessible is no problem at all. Welding 
cast iron is almost not done and you are better off purchasing another manifold.

-----Original Message-----
From: Marv Coulthard [mailto:coulthard@saltspring.com]
>Have to agree with Jon,
>Wilf has attempted and failed welding cast iron at times, going through the
>process of warming up the metal, etc........ it's always a temporary fix
>only.  Welding cast iron is difficult, and even expert welders often can't
>produce a lasting repair.
>My two cents.
What about headers.  I have a small leak in in the collector area of my
Pacer headers. My local welder friend says he can do it, any guidance in
this one is appreciated. 

Marv & Sue.... 

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