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RE: older style allison/crane XR700 wiring question

To: "'Aaron Johnson'" <fpspitfire37@msn.com>,
Subject: RE: older style allison/crane XR700 wiring question
From: Rick Gregory <Rick@ncmg.com>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 16:53:43 -0600
Hi Aaron,
        I know triumphspitfire.com published a copy of the XR-700 manual
from when I upgraded mine, but I don't remember the purple wire so I am
pretty sure it was/is the newer style. You might check it out anyway, in
might be of some help.
The web address is:  http://www.triumphspitfire.com/images/cranemanual.pdf
. I hope this helps.

Rick Gregory
Great Falls, MT

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Johnson [mailto:fpspitfire37@msn.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 4:13 PM
To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: older style allison/crane XR700 wiring question

Quick wiring question for anyone using the older style (black box) 
crane/allison XR700.  By older style I mean the one with the transitor on 
the outside.


#38 F-Prod Spit Mk IV Oregon Region

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