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To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Rebirth!?!?
From: "Geoff Heyland" <gheyland@odyssey.on.ca>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 22:37:06 -0500
OK - I've been in an out of the list since last October when I received my old
1967 Mk II from my brother, who had kept it in storage (under a tarp in his
garage) since 1985.  I've spent the winter and the engine is clean,
decarbonized, pistons all oiled and beautiful, rocker arms all gapped and
everything as clean as you can imagine - the engine looks beautiful.

Problem is, it doesn't start!

I replaced the gas line, cleaned and rebuilt the fuel pump, new distributor
cap, points, etc.  There is a small gas leak in gas line from the float
chamber to the front SU carb (which I expected when I was cleaning it in the
winter - I have a rebuild kit, and I'll have to pull it and redo it).  There
is gas getting to the plugs, but no spark.

I have two coils - one I know works, and the other - the original - I don't
know.  I've tried both, but still no apparent spark at the plug (I'm holding
the plug, with the HT lead attached, against the engine block).

What's the diagnostic process for confirming a bad coil?  I figure, once I
eliminate the electrical issue, I can move on to the carbs.  I have seen a
diagnostic checklist somewhere, but I can't find it, and the Haynes diagnostic
refers to things that simply don't exist on my car (a North American Spit -
not UK).

Thanks folks - any ideas would be appreciated.  I want to hear this thing
cough and sputter and roar, (or at least cough and sputter) so I have an
incentive to move on to the brakes!!

Geoff Heyland
67 Mk II
65 Mk II

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