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Re: spot weld removal - and the winner is

To: KHOCO@aol.com, smacsjunk@hotmail.com, triumphs@autox.team.net,
Subject: Re: spot weld removal - and the winner is
From: JohnZissler@aol.com
Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 05:30:55 EDT
In a message dated 13/05/03 08:30:17 GMT Daylight Time, KHOCO@aol.com writes:

> http://users.rcn.com/kcope/index1.html

So you think you had problems with your bonnet, jut have a look at this 
bonnet and then go and have a stiff drink


The bonnet in question is about 4 pics or so down the page.

I subsequently ditched it and got another not so bad bonnet and that is now 
Happy Spitting..................John  (In the UK)

Spitfire MkII in bits. (Others call it restoration)
Spitfire Chassis MkIV (awaiting a spot of welding) I am nearly a collector 
Spitfire Mk III (for spares)   I 'am' a collector !!!!!!

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