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Re: [triumph_herald] All Hail Halogens - Hurrah!!

To: acjwatt@hotmail.com, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [triumph_herald] All Hail Halogens - Hurrah!!
From: JohnZissler@aol.com
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 04:46:23 EDT
Congrats on being the brightest around  lol. As for upgrading , why not do 
the proper upgrade to an Alternator ? Then you could have EVERYTHING on at 
the same time ALL the time. Just a thought ....................

Happy Spitting..................John  (In the UK)

Spitfire MkII in bits. (Others call it restoration)
Spitfire Chassis MkIV (awaiting a spot of welding) I am nearly a collector 
Spitfire Mk III (for spares)   I 'am' a collector !!!!!!

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