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To insulate on not...that is the question!

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: To insulate on not...that is the question!
From: Barry Schwartz <bschwart@pacbell.net>
Date: Tue, 06 May 2003 18:23:26 -0700
Now that the house and detached 4 car Triumph domicile is FINALLY under
construction it has come to my attention that we can at this time, insulate
said Triumph repository - Now here in San Diego the weather only gets
"extreme" a couple of times a year.  Possibly one month in the summer it
gets hot (above or near 100) and in the winter it may dip down to just
below freezing for a week or so.  Most of the time it's somewhere around
the 70's.  Would it seem worth it from those whom have BTDT to insulate the
"garage" as it were.  This structure will be detached from the house, set
back about 28 feet, and will not be air conditioned or heated - the
additional cost to insulate would be around $900
Any comments or is that like asking if the Pope is catholic??  
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