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RE: bleed nipples

To: "'Jack'" <jkagy@bpsom.com>, "'Spitfire List'"
Subject: RE: bleed nipples
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 10:09:16 +0100

The bleed nipples always turn anti-clockwise, if you are looking at them as
if you are about to be squirted in the eye with brake fluid, to loosen.
This means that, on the rear brakes, where they are pointing away from you,
you turn what looks like clockwise to you.  At the right rear, if the
spanner (wrench)is sticking straight up from the nipple, push it forwards
and outwards.  Make sense?

You may well have a problem here.  The nipples, particularly when they get
old, are not that strong - I ended up breaking THREE of them after they had
been done up too tight (by Dumb Current Owner), they had been used within
the last year so shouldn't have been rusted solid.  I ended up having to
replace calipers and cylinders all round...

Good plan to let some rust dissolver work in there, also use plenty of spray
lubricant like WD40, anything you can to loosen it.

Locking pliers (Mole grips to Brits like me) are NOT the solution - at least
not until you have already completely wrecked the hex and you cannot get the
spanner on.  Adjustable spanners (crescent wrenches) are even worse.  If
there is anything at all left of the hex, a good ring spanner (NOT
open-ended) or a socket will always grip better than Mole grips, and will do
less damage.  You can get spanners that grip on the flats rather than the
corners - these work better, do less damage to the hex, and most importantly
still work well on a partially damaged hex.  If you don't have these
already, it's worth getting one for this job - it'll be cheaper than
replacing the cylinder - but not that much, they are only about #12 ($18) in
the UK for brand new ones.  Front calipers are MUCH more expensive...


Richard & Daffy

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