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Re: Motor No Go

To: "Spit Elist" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Motor No Go
From: "Ken" <sdspitfire@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 17:44:38 -0800
Hi Joe,

The starter engages the flywheel and stops immediately. The engine turns,
maybe, a fraction of a degree, barely noticeable movement of the fan.

I'm hoping the Spitfire gods will visit tonight and fix it while I sleep !!

Ken C

p.s. How's the S2000 Spitfire doing ?

> I'd first see if the engine is free or seized.  If it is free, check the
> three obvious things:
> Fuel supply,
> Spark,
> Timing
> From the comment about the starter, you might just have an electrical
> problem.  Is the starter turning and just doesn't engage the flywheel
> but continues to spin, or does it engage the flywheel and suddenly
> stop?  If it does the latter, you might have jumped timing.  That might
> indicate a timing chain or gear problem.
> Good luck,
> Joe

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