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Re: Speedo cable / smiths box (% used)

To: Robert.Haigney@anixter.com
Subject: Re: Speedo cable / smiths box (% used)
From: Alan Lemen <ralemen@cableone.net>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 19:43:10 -0700
Robert sounds like the service indicator. Mounted right next to the PDWA 
brake unit on a bracket with the same bolt I remember. Should also be a 
couple of wires ( maybe just one) that go ( eventually) to the service 
light on the dash. Supposed to light up when it's done so many miles. 
I've seen details in the manuals but ignored as I don't have it..

Most people have removed (or a PO has like on mine - bracket, no unit) 
and have a straight cable from tranny to speedo as they were apparently 
cause of numerous problems.


Robert.Haigney@anixter.com wrote:

>I have a question and I hope it's not too stupid, the cable that runs from
>the transmission to my speedometer, passes through a smiths box, that is
>labelled % used, and has the number 270 in it, what is this box.....????
>What's it called what does it do...?? What's the 270 mean...?
>78 Spitfire

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