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running rich

To: "spitfire2" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: running rich
From: "Christine" <booby1@adelphia.net>
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2003 05:17:25 -0500
I have a 1979 spitfire that has a Weber DVG carb. It seams to be running rich.
The two middle spark plugs are wet and dark. I changed spark plugs and did a
check on each to make sure it was firing. I disassembled and cleaned the carb.
It had a electric choke and I changed it out to a mechanical. When running if
feels and sounds like it's not running on all four and the other cylinders
kick in and it runs good for a few seconds. I also have to run it on partial
choke. Dose anyone have a suggestion or can anyone tell me where to get info
on Weber cars.

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