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Re: 1 am here in MD or 12am in SLC

To: <triumphs@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Re: 1 am here in MD or 12am in SLC
From: "Mike Chambers" <mikech@sprynet.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 00:23:18 -0700
Its midnight here and  20F in SLC and I've been sitting in my Spitfire in my
cold gagage looking at my other new car new car.  I can't stop.  I may
freeze to death. Need more beer.  I want to drivr but I must control myself.

> 1 am here in MD ..the indoor/outdoor thermometer
> says its 12 degrees F  WHOA!... and I was
> working outside in this.  Am I acclimated to
> these temps or what!  I guess the drive to finish
> this resto is pretty strong.

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