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Re: Vertical Links

To: "Pettis, Ward (NIH/NIDCD)" <pettisw@ms.nidcd.nih.gov>,
Subject: Re: Vertical Links
From: Andre Rousseau <andrer@mac.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 09:13:19 -0500
They are indeed different, Joe Curry was able to help me with that, one side
spins Clock Wise the other Counter CW. Don9t ask me which one is what, it
was at 630am I was looking at this.

Anyhow, its the right one or pass side that will be replaced.

Note, as I was removing parts from the frame I tagged anything from the
driver (left) side with a tie wrap. This has saved me.

I recommend this to anyone doing such a project. Think about it, your
rebuilding your frame. Its time to put the front springs back on. Only you
don9t know which went where. I bought new springs but I still tagged the old

Another idea that a buddy did for me while we were removing the U-Joints, he
stamped the flanges. L & R for the half shafts and DIF and TRA for the main


On 11/26/02 8:58 AM, "Pettis, Ward (NIH/NIDCD)" <pettisw@ms.nidcd.nih.gov>

> Andre,
> If you check the threads on the verticals, you'll see that they are
> opposite.  I think I can see the threads in the pictures that they are right
> and left.  Sorry, I can't tell you which thread rotation is on which side,
> hopefully, you'll figure that out easily enough.  I do see that the "brown"
> one is bent.  I checked it by aligning the threaded portion with the upper
> mount hole.  The "brown" one is off line.
> Ward

Andre Rousseau - Ottawa Canada
1968 Triumph GT6 MK1

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