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Thanks to Huw Upshall! and progress

To: "Team.net Spit list" <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Thanks to Huw Upshall! and progress
From: "Nick Moseley" <nmoseley@direct.ca>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 23:35:21 -0700
Some of you may remember a post offering a free tub with rolling chassis.
I'm the lucky fella that got it, and hope no-one minds if I give a public
thanks to Huw.
Thanks Huw!
My wife and I fetched it 2 weeks ago, using a borrowed van and trailer. We
left the house at 8 AM, and got home after 7:30 PM, having crossed the
US/Canada border twice. (Makes a lot of sense that twice bit). Between never
having pulled a trailer before, getting a free tub, being on the road all
day, and the border crossing, it was quite an adventure. Only stopped for
gas and a bag of chips all day. We didn't stop for food as the driver wasn't
confident that he'd be able to back out of a parking spot. Some people...
All this on our 22nd wedding anniversary. The next day we went out for
breakfast (a treat for her, as I prefer to stay in bed) and again later for
a v. nice dinner, so a good time was had by all.
All the bolts holding the tub on are now removed, as is one half of the
front suspension. That is now freshly cleaned and repainted along with the
shock tower.
A chassis that has been awaiting such an opportunity for 4 years or so
should be ready tomorrow AM, after being newly blasted and painted. A major
expense for this household's Spit budget, but the tub will have a nice
looking home.
This is to say thanks, and to share good news.
Nick Moseley

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  • Thanks to Huw Upshall! and progress, Nick Moseley <=