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Brake Fluid (?) problem

To: <triumphs@autox.team.net>, <triumph_vitesse@yahoogroups.com>,
Subject: Brake Fluid (?) problem
From: "William Davies" <bill@rarebits4classics.co.uk>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 22:34:21 +0100
    Firstly, appologies for the cross posting, but I this may be relevant to 
many people. I spoke to a TSSC member this evening regarding a severe problem 
seemingly caused by some dodgy brake fluid. This stuff was apparently bought at 
the TSSC International weekend about 3 years ago from an unknown trader. From 
what I've been told, the fluid is a cloudy grey and is not identified by any 
recognised packaging - the vendor apparently suggested it had been bought in 
bulk and repackaged in plain plastic containers. Now all of the brake fluids 
I've ever used have been a nominally transparent liquid, most modern mineral 
fluids being tinted yellow. I have only ever seen silicone fluid which is 
tinted purple (though I don't pretend to be an expert on this), but the 
cloudiness is what rings alarm bells with me. Having put this fluid into a 
brand new braking system it has severely swelled all of the seals and jammed 
the entire system. A complete re-seal is going to be necessary, but what's 
worse is how can the owner be sure that he has removed all contamination from 
the pipes?
    The only conclusion I can come to is that this stuff isn't brake fluid at 
all but has been sold as such. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has had 
a similar experience - this member surely can't be the only person who bought 
this stuff at Stafford? If you've got some on the shelf be warned.
        Bill Davies.

       .......just what you've been looking for

PO Box 1232
SN11 8WA
United Kingdom

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