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Re: Max the Cat` NON LBC

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Max the Cat` NON LBC
From: kmdalton@AircraftBraking.com
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 14:48:28 -0400
- ----- Original Message -----
From: Fred Thomas <vafred@erols.com>

> While eating breakfast this a/m with the wife, old trusty Max delivered a
> small black snake to the feet of my wife, it was a harmless guest as the
> was no longer attached, we did'nt finished the cearal though.  "FT"

Hello Fred, everyone

This reminds me of shortly after the purchase of my GT6 back in 1987 or so.
The transmission input shaft did not look so good and the only replacement
I could find was already attached to another car.  The other car had been
sitting in a field for 14 years.  It only had 30K miles on it but it was in
sad shape.  There was a bush growing up through the floor (or maybe a small
tree) and it looked like someone had turned this GT6 into a greenhouse.
The owner would only sell the car as a whole.  I bought it and a friend
helped me get it to my apartment using his flat bed trailer.  I had noticed
quite a lot of mice nests as well as their food stash but did not see any
of the little critters.  I figured they abandoned ship after their home
started to move.  While cleaning out all of the junk that had accumulated
in the back we even found a rather large snake skin.  Figured that maybe
the snake did the mice in but suspected that he was long gone also.

After disassembling the car for a week in the back recesses of my garage,
it was time to remove the rear hatch.  The rest of the interior was already
out although the headliner was still in place.  I was pulling the head
liner down and peeking into the darkness so I could get a look at how the
hatch was attached when out sprang a 3 foot long black snake.  Right in my
face, onto the gas tank and out through a rusted out quarter panel.  All I
could think was to get that thing out of my garage before he could hide
again.  There were air lines, extension cords, and tools laying all over
the floor and the front door was down, everything in the way and no easy
way out.  He managed to get away from me and crawled under some of my wood
working equipment.

After cleaning up all the clutter and getting the door open, I started to
move equipment.  He was none to happy when I found him all coiled up under
the planer.  Once I got him out side and saw he was a black snake (it was
to dark in the garage to tell up till then or maybe my blood pressure had
come back down and I had started breathing again) I decided to give him a
reprieve and moved him to the garden.  Luckily, I never saw him again.  It
was months before I could work in the garage without thinking every little
thing I saw out of the corner of my eye was a snake.  The transmission was
found to be in good working order however and is still in my car to this
day so I guess it was worth it.

Everyone likes Triumphs, even critters!

Kevin Dalton

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