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Triumphest 2002

To: "Spitfires" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Triumphest 2002
From: "Chris Sharp" <chrislsharp@earthlink.net>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 13:12:58 -0700

Triumphest 2002 is about six weeks away.  I'm not associated with Desert
Centre Triumph Register of America but do live in Las Vegas which is only a
few miles from Lauughlin, Nevada, where this years event will be held.  See
http://www.dctra.org/2002/ for more info.

Lord willing, I'll be there this year at least on Saturday and would love to
meet up with others from the list, share a beer or two, and swap a few lies.
Anyone interested?


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