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Brake pedal shudder & squeak on rear tyres

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Brake pedal shudder & squeak on rear tyres
From: James Carruthers <j.carruthers@rave.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 11:11:14 +0100
Hi Listers,

What am I to summise from brake pedal shudder? Its mainly at high speed,
less noticable at lower.

Uneven brake discs? Can't tell if its from the front or the back really.

And another thing, since I got my tyres changed, (they've been at a higher
psi - which I thoroughly recommend - I did mean to write a report on some
testing I did a while back) when ever I go over bumps quickly they squeak
like large mice - I think it used to do this on my front wheels, until I
changed my dodgy shocks and springs. So my guess is that the rear suspension
is "compressing" and the tyres are touching the wheel arches. Any ideas?

Please tell me fitting new dampers on the back is easier than the front...


1977 Pimento Red Spit

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