At 07:16 PM 8/23/02 +1000, Bob Van-Kempen wrote:
>Hi all
>I'm just about to get the trim on my Spitfire 4 replaced, including the dash
>top. Can anyone tell me if there are any traps to removing the windscreen
>frame? Eg can the present rubber separating the frame from the body tub be
>re-used when the frame goes back on (I'm assuming the windscreen frame has
>to come off the car to do a proper job on the dash - but please correct me
>if I'm wrong)?
Two nuts at the end of the mounting studs on either side of the dash right
above the A pillar. Soak the assembly in penetrating oil before attempting
to remove. You'll need to remove the top nuts and clamps on top of the
dash as well. Beyond that, it's just muscle work and time.
Don't bother trying to reuse the gasket. After this much time compressed
under the wind screen surround, it's pretty much toast. If you cut through
it initially, it will make removing the frame that much easier so you
aren't fighting that seal as well. It's not one that uses sealer, but I've
run across two now that people had used a weather strip cement that messed
up the assembly something fierce.
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