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Hot running Spit (Long)

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Hot running Spit (Long)
From: Stephane St-Amant <steph71tr6@crosswinds.net>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 08:44:10 EDT
List, I need to pick your collective brain again :(

2 questions (burried somewhere in the rambling!)

The problem:
The Spit started running hot... very hot!

What was done last year:
The rad was re-cored, new thermostat and new hoses.

The background:
For the past few months, the spit would suddenly start
running hot!  First thing I checked was the coolant level.
Low.  Ok simple to fix. Top it off (with les than a liter)
and take the car for a spin.  Temp back to normal. (temp
needle right smack in the middle)
That's more like it.

After a few more runs, same thing.
Hot, top it off, normal - repeat!

No smoke, no apparent leak.  But hey, how come the overflow
bottle is full.  Not a problem, empty 2/3 of it.  A few runs
later, it's full again!  Ah ah.  Looks like the rad is
putting it's overflow coolant in the bottle when it's hot
but it doesn't look like it's sucking back up when it cools

Question #1
Is my rad cap the problem?  If so what are the specs for the
rad cap? '69 Spit with 1300 hi-comp engine (original)
and narrow rad.

The current situation:
Same thing happened again yesterday.  So, this morning, I
went to the same routine of adding water/coolant in the rad
(yep,low again).  Top it off again. and take off for work.

Temp outside is about 70.  What the...???  Running hot
The whole drive to work, the temp would slowly climbing up
until I got to the office with the gauge just bellow the red
mark!  Not good! :(

Here's the weird part:  At idle (waiting for the darn
traffic lights to turn green) the temperature is actually
going down!!! Ugh??? And goes back up when I'm moving.
What up with that?

Question #2
Is my water pump going belly up?  Any ideas???  Help!

Puzzled in Ottawa
'69 Spit - Decided to act up now that it's my only driver
           for a week after the wife's car transmission
           died and she took my car to go visit her friends
           in Toronto for a week.
'71 TR6 - In 1000's of pieces in the garage gathering dust!

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