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Re: [spitfire-enthusiast] gaskets and re-starting engine

To: Spitfire Enthusiast <spitfire-enthusiast@yahoogroups.com>,
Subject: Re: [spitfire-enthusiast] gaskets and re-starting engine
From: John Hobson <goalie_john@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 06:59:53 -0700 (PDT)
I have just put the head gasket onto the engine and one of the holes
doesn't quite line up with a water passage.  Should I file the gasket
away a little or leave it is?  It is obscuring about half the hole.

wuick responses appreciated!


--- John Hobson <goalie_john@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> For the first time in over month I actually have some time to spend on
> getting Saskia back on the road.  When I last left the project a few
> weeks ago I had removed the cylinder head, water pump, manifold and
> carbs.
> Today I have cleaned up the new rocker gear that I got from spitfire
> graveyard with gunk, it came up very nicely.  I have also scraped all
> of
> the gasket faces with a knife and sanded them down to remove all of the
> muck (water pump, manifold, down-pipe, carbs.  I only scraped the head
> and block without sanding.
> I also had to make a small JB Weld repair to the water pipe on the
> inlet
> manifold as it had rusted away at either end.
> Tomorrow I have the 'simple' job of putting it all back together.  I
> was
> going to clean up the gasket faces with brake cleaner before
> re-assembling.  Is there anything in particular I should do to ensure
> that the gaskets all make a good seal?
> I am going to use some liquid gasket on the manifold/downpipe rather
> than
> no gasket as other listers have advised.
> I also have some liquid gasket that use as well as the gasket (rather
> than instead of).  I don't have any plans to use this anywhere, is
> there
> anywhere that you would advise I do use it?
> On restarting the engine I was going to make sure that the rockers were
> well coated in oil, are there any other precautions that I should take?
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