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good, good, good........... vibrations

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: good, good, good........... vibrations
From: "Livia Haasper" <wilivhaasper@sympatico.ca>
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 19:59:21 -0400
Hello everyone?
How do you know you've been under the Spit for too long?
When the dog curls up under it besides you......
It's been one of those days. We tested and tested.......and then tested some
more. We removed the propeller shaft for the third time and mounted it to our
spare differential on a table. We then attached our big drill and got it
spinning. Immediately, we could see a severe vibration. The u-joints, which
looked balanced and even, were definitely not installed right. We adjusted
them on both ends of the shaft, to the best of our abilities, testing for
vibrations every time.  This took us a while.
Then, it was back under the Spit again, putting things back. We rotated 180
degree, reinstalled the exhaust for the x number of time, took a deep breath,
and went for another test drive.
I guess, we did something right. The vibration is much improved, at 50 miles
per hour, 3500 rpm,  we still get a little bit of vibration, but we're
definitely on the right track.
We had marked the positions earlier on, but could not be sure if those
markings were actually correct, as the car came to us disassembled, and we had
to install all the parts as we saw them fit. We're therefore not sure of the
original set up.
Thank for all the help.

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  • good, good, good........... vibrations, Livia Haasper <=