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Re: Spitfire front brakes

To: "David A. Templeton" <davidt@opentext.com>
Subject: Re: Spitfire front brakes
From: Tim Dafforn <tim.dafforn@man.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 10:33:55 +0100
Austin Princess,
'orrible wedge shaped car..
Has four pots calipers that (I think ) are a direct bolt on.
Quite hard to find now though!

"David A. Templeton" wrote:

> Hi all,
> Since I installed the Toyota calipers on the '3, it is simply amazing the
> braking power that is now available to me.  Rock solid performance!  Now, I
> get back into the spit and realize that her brakes are lacking.  Hmm, maybe
> time to upgrade them to something different, I was reading the Dec/Jan
> Triumph World and in there is a Spitsix with Ford Carpi 2.8i vented disks
> and Volvo 4-pot calipers. Does anyone have a similiar setup on this side of
> the pond?  Something that uses 4-pot calipers?
> Thanks
> David A. Templeton
> '59 TR3a - 9TS54226L ( "9" denotes the CDN import on year of mfr )
> '74 Spitfire - FM10491L

Dr Tim Dafforn
2.205 Stopford Building
School of Biological Sciences
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
M13 9PT
44 (0) 161 275 5538

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