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Re: Female LBC owners, was: RE: Hello from a new list member!

To: jgruber@demainsoft.com
Subject: Re: Female LBC owners, was: RE: Hello from a new list member!
From: Donald H Locker <dhl@chelseamsl.com>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 09:31:21 -0400 (EDT)
Hey, Jeff.

I did most of the sewing around my house until my daughter caught up.
Even now, I alter her clothes and am quite good at it.  Mostly.
Fortunately, I've become quite accustomed to ignoring the funny looks
I get at fabric stores.  (I also have a lot of fun sewing costumes
for our dance company -- the most fun is when I'm stitching away and
someone comes in who doesn't know I sew.  LOL!!)

And I own a Spitfire, too.  But it's not a sewing machine!


> Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 12:55:16 -0500
> From: Jeff Gruber <jgruber@demainsoft.com>
> Yes, men do own sewing machines.  They're called Spitfires.
> At 01:40 PM 6/21/2002 -0400, Nolan Penney wrote:
> >I know what you mean.  Whenever I go into a fabric store I get weird
> >responses.  Sometimes men *do* own sewing machines! :)
> >
> > >>> Christine Edwards <cedwards@cox.net> 06/21/02 09:44AM >>>
> >I've also noticed that auto parts stores are weird about women...they
> >either fall all over themselves to help me in a completely patronizing
> >way,
> >or they ignore me completely, like I must have wandered in by mistake
> >on my
> >way to shop for drapes.

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