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Re: Twin Webers and economy -YES!

To: "Dr T. Dafforn" <td214@cus.cam.ac.uk>,
Subject: Re: Twin Webers and economy -YES!
From: <ptegler@gouldfo.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 10:51:41 -0400
YES!  Love it!  What I've said all along!
It's just great to see/hear someone else
say it with physical data to back it up.

OK...so now we need a nice photo of the setup
and your jetting info and engine mod info for the user's page

Paul Tegler     ptegler@gouldfo.com    www.teglerizer.com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dr T. Dafforn" <td214@cus.cam.ac.uk>
To: "'Spit list'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 9:46 AM
Subject: Twin Webers and economy

Dear listers,
Finally managed to get the Webers tuned and a long journey under my belt
to see how they performed!
Well they ran smooth under all conditions (5 hours on a rolling road payed
off!) and showed no sign of fuel vaporisations even after hacking along at
80 mph and then having to queue in traffic for 30 mins!
But the biggest revelation was the efficiency!
36 mpg (at motorway speeds 60mph-80mph), way better than what had been
predicted by most (<20mpg).
just shows, a well set up pair of webers is a usable system

Department of Haematology
University of Cambridge
MRC Centre
Hills Road

      Tel. 44+ 1223 336829
Fax. 44+ 1223 336827

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