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Re: Spitfire performance

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Spitfire performance
From: Terry Thompson <firespiter@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2002 19:56:23 -0700 (PDT)
I added the values of the drive-train once that if I
installed a Swedish final drive (3.2:1?), an
overdrive, fully inflated the tires and sup'ed up the
engine to rev upto 7000 rpms, then a Spitfire should
be able to do 180 mph. Sadly, there are many other
physical forces to consider; such as air resistance,
coefficient of drag (Spitfires aren't the most
aerodynamic car), and your description of "floating"
is also appropriate. I believe that downforce and
traction are necessary incredients in 100+ speeds. Due
to it's light weight and lack of any down-force
accessories (wing spoiler, air dams, skirts), any
Spitfire doing over 100+ mph, is probably a good sized
bump in the road short of going momentarily air born.

According to a program called Car Calculator (which
takes into consideration values like coefficient of
drag, rotational weights of wheels and such) a Late
model Spitfire with over 100hp, 23" tires and OD
should be able to do upwards of 115mph, but it doesn't
get much better even when you bump the hp value to 130
horses; the top speed estimation is 120 mph. 

If you've got the brass testicles to take a Spitfire
over 100mph, then in the oft quoted words of Rudyard
Kipling, "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din."
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