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Re: Alternator Issue

To: <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Alternator Issue
From: "Nolan Penney" <npenney@mde.state.md.us>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 06:30:44 -0400
Here's to seconding what Mike showed he did.  That's how I mounted mine,
with no problems as well.  The pictures you've shown of your mount are
quite cumbersome and not stable.  I'd suggest switching to mounting like
Mike shows.

>>> Andre Rousseau <andrer@mac.com> 05/13/02 09:22AM >>>
When I set my GM Alternator up last fall I noticed it was about a 1/4 
of an inch too far forward. Not idea for the belt.

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