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Re: show judging

To: "Spitfire list" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: show judging
From: "Tod Jones" <todjones@rica.net>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 22:07:08 -0400
I prefer daily drivers, but if someone likes trailer Queens who cares. I
would much rather see a spitfire pamperd and polished by someone who
apreciates a beautiful car than see another Spitfire rotting away in a
junkyard. The next time you take your daily driver to a show put a sign on
the windshield beside the show card that says " Daily Driver". You will be
pleasantly suprised by the many people who make comments about it. Most
shows I go to are voted on by the entrants. I like looking at all the cars
daily drivers and trailer queens alike, but I will always stop and talk to
the people about their cars. You can usually tell who drives them or just
shows them. I view a car show as an excuse to spend some quality time with
my spitfire, and to meet other car owners who enjoy their cars. As for the
judjing by others who cares, any modifications I make to my car are for My
enjoyment or to improve my spitfires drivability. You want recognition for
your car? Drive it. I value all the thums up and people who stop me on the
street to admire my spitfire and tell me storys about the triumph that they
let go and regret loosing. All the further I have to go to get recognition
for my car is to see my grandsons Justin and Ernie. They always run up to me
saying "granda, I want ride" (wich was Justins first sentance) and Riiiide
( Ernie (who just turned 2) while pointing at My Spitfire) as they fight
over who gets the first ride. If I show up with my wife in her car it isn't
long before they ask where granda's car is. I dont get mad about trailer
queens and nitpicking judjes, I pity them for loosing out on the real joys
of owning a classic car. But then again who cares just as long as they keep
them alive.

Tod Jones
Harrisonburg VA.
67 Spitfire Mk II

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