Mark Holbrook wrote:
> swing from the front mounts? DO you have to do
> anything with that leaf spring? I am wondering if
> anyone would have a step by step approach. THe
> workshop manual is ok, but sometimes they have you do
> things that are not needed, and it takes much longer.
> Can someone help? Thanks
Get the car up on the tallest jackstands you can find (four of 'em).
Remove the rear wheels.
Remove the luggage platform and the carpet covering the frame member
crossing in front of the gas tank. Remove the ~8" wide panel in the
center, giving access to the leaf spring studs on top of the diff.
You may also have to remove the crossbar that goes between the rear
wheel wells-- I can't remember.
Remove the 4 or 6 nuts that fasten spring to pumpkin. The spring will
probably flop over and you'll get concerned about forcing it back into
position for reassembly. Use force when the time comes, it'll go.
Get undrneath and remove the 4 bolts on each output (half-shaft)
flange. There's a trick-- rotate the wheels to get access, otherwise
there's not enough clearance to get the bolts out. (Make sure the
handbrake is off :-)
Undo enough of the exhaust to get the pipe out of the way, then undo
the 4 driveshaft bolts.
Put a hydraulic floor jack under the diff and take up its weight.
Remove the long bolt going across the top rear of the pumpkin, then
the two nuts in front. Lower away.
Reassemble in the reverse. It will be worlds easier to jack the
pumpkin back into place and fit that long bolt if you've modified your
jack. Find some scrap plywood to serve as a platform, and cobble
together a bracket arrangement to hold the diff level. Use wedges
under the input flange to adjust the angle it's presented to the
frame. Bolt the platform in place of the cup on your jack's buisness
Also in reconnecting leaf spring to pumpkin, it may (will) be easier
to remove the studs from the pumpkin before bolting it up under the
car, and screw them back in from the top, through the spring bracket.
Give it about 6 hours if you've never done it before.
Douglas Frank Compaq Computer Corp.
ZKO 110 Spit Brook Rd. The older I get,
603-884-0501 Nashua, NH USA 03062 the better I was.
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