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Re:cracking up!

To: Lwestgaph@cs.com
Subject: Re:cracking up!
From: EDENMA@aol.com
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 22:55:10 EDT
I had a similar problem a few (20 or so) years ago and seem to remember a 
chaffed wire leading to the horn switch in the steering wheel hub.  Every 
time I tried to trouble shoot in the driveway I could never find it.  Like 
you, as soon as I took it on the road (i.e., turned the steering wheel) it 
would blow.  One or two days later after having replaced the 262nd fuse, with 
the ignition on, (for the radio) while greasing the front end, I turned the 
wheel and "poof" the fuse blew.  I seem to remember it was one of those @#$% 
jobs to fix the wire as there was precious little slack in the wire.  I ended 
up having to pull the wheel to get enough access to the wire to repair it.  
once repaired, I pulled the wire far enough back into the steering column so 
that it could no longer contact the steering wheel and wear the insulation 
off again while driving.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,


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