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RE: Alarm query

To: "'Lwestgaph@cs.com'" <Lwestgaph@cs.com>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Alarm query
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 16:51:32 +0100
Moss (www.mossint.co.uk) do an alarm kit for the TR7 for #140 (incl. VAT).
This may be adaptable to the GT6, I'm sure they would be able to advise you.

Otherwise, any car alarm suppliers I'm sure will be able to help you - I
wouldn't have thought there is anything on a GT6 that would prevent the use
of most modern alarm systems.  You'd better go in there with some idea of
how much you want to spend, as I have a feeling the best of these can get
pretty pricey!

At the other end of the scale, several people have a very simple system
which just uses a hidden switch to immobilise the car.  A thief can get in,
and can nick your stereo, but he won't drive your car off.  Particularly
cunning is to use the switch to isolate the coil - that way the engine will
turn over, but won't start, so the thief just thinks "Bloody crappy old car
won't start" and gives up.

Richard & Daffy

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