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RE: [Fwd: MOT Failure.]

To: "'T. .R. Dafforn'" <td214@cam.ac.uk>,
Subject: RE: [Fwd: MOT Failure.]
From: "Catchpole, Pat" <Pat.Catchpole@ntc-europe.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 10:18:11 +0100

You are probably aware of all this, but there is an appeal procedure if you
think you have been wronged.  Details can be found on the topgear.beeb.com
site amongst others.  This site does give a slightly tongue in cheek slant
to things though, I think they must have been to the same garage as you when
they say "If you think that you've unwittingly had your car tested by Billy
the Kid, and he has failed your car to cash in on the repair work, you can
Note to American colleagues, a re-test is free if the testing garage carries
out the repairs, so the system is obviously prone to abuse by unscrupulous
Good luck

> -----Original Message-----
> From: T. .R. Dafforn [SMTP:td214@cam.ac.uk]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 9:19 AM
> To:   spitfires
> Subject:      [Fwd: MOT Failure.]
> Hi All,
> Took Sophie to get her  MOT test last week.
> She failed (@#$#%).
> Real trouble was she didn't fail on any of the normal stuff (dud bulb,
> blocked wind screen washer, binding brakes, ineffective handbrake.)
> Oh no, I checked these, I'd  checked everything.
> No, the young (looked less than 15 years old) tester failed it for
> insufficient weld on the floor pan. Claimed it wasn;t even attached at
> the back.
> I explained to him that if he looked inside the car under the seat he
> would see the welds (I should know, I did them, nice tidy seam) which
> would proove that the back edge of the floor pan was just what was left
> of the overlapping metal. But oh, no, too busy to spare the time!
> Git Git Git!
> Now have to book a retest and persuade him in my own time.
> Anyone have a monkey wrench?
> Tim
> --

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