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RE: seat squab rubber straps

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: seat squab rubber straps
From: <ralemen@cableone.net>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 07:05:00 -0700
Doug, Paul, you confirmed my thoughts.

In fact the one bungy cord I bought last night to try, I cut in half and I can 
adjust the length/tension as it has holes in it with thick surrounds at the 
holes. I am putting it (doubled) where  the one stretched strap was. The other 
straps look fine and have some tension, so I may just tighten them up a bit 
more. Also yes, I do plan to add some extra heavy foam on the back next the 
straps to help distribute the load and make the back firmer. One suggestion I 
have heard is to replace the straps with a metal sheet, but I think that may be 
a bit extreme.

Quick extra question on the head restraints. Looks like they are simply a heavy 
piece of foam covered with a lighter piece of foam. Any idea what the correct 
thickness of the heavy piece is? Looks to be about an inch or sofolded over at 
teh top. Still have not taken it all completely apart as yet. I have some of 
the thin stuff lying about from another project. I was going to place a full 
back size piece of the same heavy foam behind the seat as explained above. May 
even double it up at the bottom to give more lumber support as suggested.


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