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Power steering... (lubricating the trunnions) - Off Topic:

To: "Spitfire" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Power steering... (lubricating the trunnions) - Off Topic:
From: "James Carruthers" <j.carruthers@rave.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 22:14:16 +0100
Well I lubricated the trunnions, with my choice of lubrication - lovely light
honey coloured oil. Out came a load of grease (quite disturbingly) and in went
the oil. In fact the oil went everywhere, luckily except on me (mental note:
not to wear my best clothes when working on the car and to buy some overalls)

And what an amazing difference it made - unbelivable - so different in fact,
that about an hour after the test drive I took her out for another - just to
make sure my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. Its like having power steering
now - except with all the advantages of not. Any one who hasn't done their
trunnions recently (or ever, as in my case) - I well recommend you go and do
it asap.

Oh and the roast lamb recipe - I made this on sunday: basically you do your
basic roast lamb with veg etc etc - but you cook the lamb @ 140 degree's
centigrade - a 2kg leg takes approx. 3ish hours. Incredible - it just falls
off the bone. Melt in the mouth.

Beef is next - this time at 60 degrees - if it's half as good as the lamb
it'll be fantastic.


1977 Pimento Red Spit

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